Hello everyone, I am Andrea and I graduated in 2018 from Jacobs with a major in International Relations: Politics and History, and a minor in Global Economics and Management. After completing my bachelor, I pursued a Master of Arts in Public Policy at the Hertie School in Berlin with an exchange semester at Duke University in the USA. Since 2020, I have been working on digitalization projects for the public sector and I am currently a strategy consultant at IBM iX.
I have recently been to Bremen for the fifth-year anniversary since graduation and I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that I have already been living in Germany for eight years!! I am from Rimini, Italy, and I remember really well getting accepted at Jacobs, packing my stuff and saying goodbye to my family and friends.
I was extremely excited to start college, meet fellow classmates from all over the world and attend interesting classes. As always, there were ups and downs throughout the three years on campus, but my experience at Jacobs lived up to my expectations. I now have close friends from all over the world, I could study the subjects that interested me the most and I was challenged academically (sometimes even a little bit too much! During my first semester, I was traumatized by the class International Economics!).
Furthermore, I have plenty of beautiful memories of my friends and I partying at TOS, going to Freimarkt together, spending time on campus green (whenever the weather allowed for it, let´s be honest, Bremen is not famous for being a sunny city) and going to the coffee bar on Sundays because I had woken up too late to have brunch and needed to catch up on readings and assignments in the library.
Connect with Andrea on LinkedIn! He’s happy to hear from anyone 🙂