A famous song said to “Wake me up, when September ends!” and I’m sure they referred to wanting to go to the Constructor University Homecoming from 22nd to 24th September! 😉
This years committee wanted to show, that even with all the changes going on over the last year, we’re still on the same (Hero)Team! The University grew from IUB, to Jacobs, to Constructor and SIT. We’re All-Stars and we always find ways to get together when it really counts.
So put on your capes and join us for this years fun!
A special shoutout goes to the classes of 2008, 2013, and 2018 who are celebrating their 15, 10, and 5 year reunions this year.
Take a look at the program:

See how we added some new things like the Alumni Games? And not only that be we got a nice surprise waiting for you on Friday evening, but I won’t spoil that 😛
Like last year you can stay at the Strandlust Hotel Vegesack, or the Atlantik Hotel. For more information check the offical webpage right here!
We’re also still looking for entertainment for the gala, so if you’re a singer, dancer, of standup comedian, please write an email to alumni@constructor.university.
We’re looking forward to seeing you!